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Last updated: April 2024
Scope and purpose
Kaplan SQE Limited (Kaplan SQE) has been appointed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority Limited (“SRA”) as the sole provider of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (“the SQE”) and the End Point Assessment Organisation (“EPAO”) for Solicitor Apprentices. Kaplan SQE handles reasonable adjustments in accordance with this Policy as required by the SRA.
We are committed to diversity and making sure our approach to the SQE is inclusive and meets our obligations under the Equality Act 2010. This policy covers our approach to the provision of reasonable adjustments for disabled candidates, within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010, and accommodations for those with conditions which impact on their ability to undertake the SQE. It includes how we communicate with candidates and the adjustments we can make to our assessment methods.
We are committed to ensuring that this Policy is fair and transparent and is operated in a manner which:
We will keep the information provided to us confidential and as required by the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018. Details of individual arrangements will be shared with those people with whom it is necessary in order to agree and/or implement the reasonable adjustment or accommodation.
We expect that candidates will meet the time limits outlined in the policy. Where there are exceptional circumstances which mean a candidate cannot reasonably meet such time limits they must communicate this to us at the earliest opportunity and submit evidence to justify the delay. Where accepted, and where possible, new timescales may be agreed. See also paragraph 3.3.
Candidates with a disability
Where a candidate has a disability, information will be made available to them in appropriate formats and reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate their needs.
Review of this policy
This Policy and associated practices including the Q&As and information for disability assessors will be monitored on an ongoing basis and any necessary amendments will be made and implemented at the earliest opportunity. As a minimum, Kaplan SQE will review this and all associated policies on an annual basis as part of its quality assurance procedures.
Associated documents relating to this policy
The Q&As and information for disability assessors set out further information about how this policy is applied.
The Statement of Solicitor Competence and the Functioning Legal Knowledge set out in the SQE1 Assessment Specification and the SQE2 Assessment Specification set out the competences and knowledge which all candidates must achieve to demonstrate their ability to practise. The Threshold Standard sets out the standard which must be achieved to qualify as a Solicitor of England and Wales. All candidates must be assessed against the Statement of Solicitor Competence and the Functioning Legal Knowledge and must reach the Threshold Standard to qualify. We recognise that to provide a fair opportunity for all candidates to demonstrate their competence to the required standard we must make arrangements to provide reasonable adjustments.
Our approach to developing assessments is to anticipate candidate requests for reasonable adjustments and where possible make assessment arrangements which minimise the necessity for adjustments to be made.
We are committed to making sure that a candidate is not disadvantaged by reason of a disability in demonstrating their competence. We will make reasonable adjustments where a candidate, who is disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010, would be at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled. Pursuant to the Equality Act a person (P) has a disability if:
We will make reasonable steps to remove that disadvantage.
We will also consider making accommodations where a candidate has condition/s which impact on their ability to undertake the SQE. All such requests for accommodations will be considered in Kaplan’s reasonable discretion and on a case by case basis.
Making a request for reasonable adjustments and accommodations
Candidates requesting reasonable adjustments referred to in 2.3 above or accommodations referred to in 2.4 above (hereafter referred to collectively as ‘adjustments’) must register for an SQE account online and complete a ‘reasonable adjustments’ request form available on the SQE candidate account. The form should be completed and submitted on the SQE candidate account as soon as possible. Candidates must apply separately for adjustments for SQE1 and SQE2.
The form should include the following information:
If any of these are not available at the time of completing the form please contact us at Guidance on the type of supporting documentation that is appropriate is set out in our information for disability assessors and the Q&As.
We are unable to agree a candidate’s adjustments until appropriate supporting documentation is received. This means that if either a request for adjustments is not made and/or supporting documentation not received by the booking deadline for the relevant assessment, it may not be possible to put the adjustments in place in time for the assessment window.
A member of the Equality and Quality team will acknowledge receipt of the request form within five working days. A specific member of the team will be appointed as the candidate’s Reasonable Adjustment Liaison (RAL).
The RAL will consider the adjustment(s) required in light of the disability or condition, the nature of the assessment and, where applicable, our obligations under the Equality Act 2010. The RAL will work with the candidate in circumstances where the candidate needs support in their application or where clarification and further information is needed to finalise an adjustment plan. Complex arrangements may take more time to put in place.
The final proposed plan for adjustments will be communicated via the SQE candidate account. Candidates will have the option to accept or reject the proposal made. Rejected proposals will be reconsidered by the RAL and, where appropriate an alternative proposal may be made.
A candidate who is not satisfied with the final proposal made can request a review of the proposal. The request for review must set out the candidate’s explanation of why they are not satisfied and be sent, together with copies of all relevant documentation and supporting evidence to with ‘Request for review of adjustments proposal’ in the email subject line.
The Reviewing Officer (a senior member of the Kaplan SQE team who has no previous involvement with the candidate in the context of the reasonable adjustment application) will review the request and may seek further information and take advice as appropriate.
The Reviewing Officer, taking all relevant factors into account, will determine whether any or all of:
the adjustment offered to the candidate; and/or
the manner in which the decision to offer that adjustment was reached; and/or
the decision not to offer an adjustment;
involved material irregularity and/or was manifestly unreasonable and/or irrational.
The Reviewing Officer may:
uphold the proposal made; or
reject the proposal.
Where the Reviewing Officer rejects the proposal made they may recommend further action and candidates will normally be given a revised proposal arrived at in discussion with the Head of Equality and Quality and any other relevant advice. Where the Reviewing Officer upholds the original proposal, it will stand.
The decision of the Reviewing Officer will be communicated to the candidate and the Head of Equality and Quality within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review. Where the Reviewing Officer rejects the proposal, a new proposal will be communicated to the candidate via the SQE candidate account within 5 working days after the decision of the Reviewing Officer.
Where a candidate is not able to use the SQE candidate account/online registration and booking process (including to make an application for adjustments and for submitting supporting evidence), we can offer alternative means of communication and provide information in different formats. Candidates requiring further assistance should contact us at or 020 3486 3080, and our team members will work with candidates to find the best way to help.
SQE Reasonable Adjustments Policy (applicable up to 8 January 2024) (PDF 174KB)
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