What is the SQE?
Who is the SQE for?
Costs and fees
Case studies
The assessment day
Results and resits
Dates and locations
Assessment information
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The monitoring and maximising diversity survey has been updated. Please return to the survey to reconfirm your answers and complete the new section at the end.
You must do this to remain eligible for the SQE. You will not be able to book your next assessment until you have updated your answers.
Last updated: December 2024
I confirm that I have read the Fit to Sit Policy and I know of no reason why my performance might be adversely affected during the ………(insert as appropriate) assessment or why I might subsequently submit a claim for mitigating circumstances relating to today’s assessment.
I confirm that in the event that I am taken ill during this assessment or experience other unexpected or unforeseeable personal circumstances beyond my control I will report this to the invigilator or proctor as soon as possible and at the latest before leaving the assessment.
SQE Fit to Sit Policy - applicable for assessments taken after May 2023 and up to December 2024 (PDF 101KB)
Create your personal SQE account and book your assessments.
Find out what happens after passing the SQE and admission to the roll of solicitors.