July 2025 SQE1

Booking timeline and key information

If you want to sit SQE1 in July 2025, please read the information below which relates to you. This information is relevant for all first time sitters and resitters. If you find that you do not pass the January 2025 SQE1 (results released on 11 March), this information will also apply to you.

All timings refer to UK time. 

Reserving a seat if you wish to sit July SQE1

1. Preparing to reserve your seat

You must complete your pre-booking steps before you are able to reserve a seat.

Key steps

  • Register for the SQE on the My SQE Overview page
  • Verify your ID
  • Complete the pre-booking steps in your candidate account. Completing the section on reasonable adjustments is how you make a request for adjustments.

You must complete these steps otherwise you will not receive a seat reservation form.

2. Reserving your seat

SQE seats are reserved by completing a seat reservation form.

Key dates

  • 24/03/2025 - Seat reservation forms will be sent to your registered SQE email address from 6pm
  • 27/03/2025 - The deadline for completing the seat reservation form is 5pm

Candidates who have requested reasonable adjustments or intend to request reasonable adjustments must also complete the reservation form.

Dates of the assessment can be found on the Timings page.

3. Paying for your seat

Please pay for your seat once you receive an email request for payment.

Key dates

  • 24/04/2025 (10am) to 15/05/2025 (5pm) - During this period, requests for payment will be sent by email to your registered SQE email address.

Candidates that have not received or accepted their reasonable adjustment proposal will receive the email payment request after they have accepted their proposal. This may be after 09/05/2025.

On receipt of your email, login to your SQE account and make payment for your assessment.  (Note: candidates with reasonable adjustments must currently contact us to make payment).

You must pay within 48 hours of receiving the email otherwise your seat will be cancelled. This includes candidates with reasonable adjustments.

There are various payment methods. If your training provider or employer has purchased a prepaid voucher for you, you can redeem it by entering the code when you book.

4. Rescheduling your seat

If you have booked a seat, there is a period of time when you can reschedule.

Key dates

  • 19/05/2025 - Rescheduling is available from 10am
  • 22/05/2025 - The deadline for rescheduling your assessment is 5pm

You can reschedule your seat to another location, subject to availability, via the Bookings page in your SQE account.

Candidates with reasonable adjustments should contact equality.quality@sqe.sra.org.uk.

How to book if you do not complete a seat reservation form

You will not use this method if you complete a seat reservation form (see above).

Key dates

  • 19/05/2025 - Candidate account opens for online bookings at 10am.
  • 22/05/2025 – Candidate account closes for online bookings at 5pm.

A limited number of seats will be available to book directly via the Bookings page in your SQE account. Seats are subject to availability.

We strongly recommend that you complete a seat reservation form to make a booking (see above).  

Candidates with reasonable adjustments must not book via the candidate account. You must complete the Reasonable Adjustment section of the pre-booking steps.

There is more information see Booking and Paying for assessments.

Ready to register for the SQE?

Create your personal SQE account and book your assessments.

Register for SQE 

Have you passed the SQE?

Find out what happens after passing the SQE and admission to the roll of solicitors.

Learn more

Ready to register for the SQE?

Create your personal SQE account and book your assessments.

Register for SQE 

Have you passed the SQE?

Find out what happens after passing the SQE and admission to the roll of solicitors.

Learn more about Have you passed the SQE?