Costs and fees
What is the SQE?
Who is the SQE for?
Case studies
Dates and locations
Assessment information
The assessment day
Results and resits
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The monitoring and maximising diversity survey has been updated. Please return to the survey to reconfirm your answers and complete the new section at the end.
You must do this to remain eligible for the SQE. You will not be able to book your next assessment until you have updated your answers.
We have published two anonymised candidate case studies. These are first hand accounts by candidates that have taken the SQE. They provide an insight into how they prepared, how challenging they found the exam, and their advice and top tips.
They are written by candidates to help other candidates that may be preparing to take the SQE. One is by a candidate that sat the SQE with reasonable adjustments.
We will publish more candidate case studies as these become available. Other related resources that candidates may helpful include:
Guidance to help manage the pressure of the SQE
SRA information to help you choose a training provider
SRA article on preparing for SQE2
Learn more: Candidate case studies