What is the SQE?
Who is the SQE for?
Costs and fees
Case studies
The assessment day
Results and resits
Dates and locations
Assessment information
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The monitoring and maximising diversity survey has been updated. Please return to the survey to reconfirm your answers and complete the new section at the end.
You must do this to remain eligible for the SQE. You will not be able to book your next assessment until you have updated your answers.
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the governments of England and Wales have introduced primary and secondary legislation which amends or relaxes existing legislation.
Candidates will NOT be assessed on any change to the law of England or Wales nor on the content of any other legal notices introduced in response to the coronavirus pandemic in the November 2021 SQE1 assessments. Assessment scenarios and characters in them should be treated as being unaffected by the coronavirus.
Due to the changing nature of such legislation and the potential for further changes prior to the November 2021 assessments, it is not possible to provide a definitive list of coronavirus legislation but further information is available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/coronavirus.
Learn more: Assessment topics