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SQE1 is the first part of the SQE assessment and tests the application of functioning legal knowledge. The structure of SQE1 is set out below. This is a computer-based single best answer multiple choice test.
Each question is followed by five suggested answers. The correct answer is the best of the stated alternatives and is provided alongside the sample questions. There will only be one correct answer.
You can access a short video on Understanding the anatomy of an SQE1 question. Although questions may be of different lengths, the video explains that they follow the structure of having a stem (or fact pattern), the lead in (or question) and five options (or answers).
We have released a further 40 sample questions (20 for FLK1 and 20 for FLK2) taking the total to 170 sample questions. These are split equally between FLK1 (85 questions) and FLK2 (85 questions) with the newly released questions numbered 66-85 for each FLK.
The SQE1 sample questions are available in English and Welsh.
Go to:
FLK1 sample questions (English) FLK1 sample questions (Welsh) FLK2 sample questions (English) FLK2 sample questions (Welsh)
The sample questions are designed to illustrate the kind of questions that appear on the FLK1 and FLK2 assessments and therefore assist both education providers and candidates plan SQE training and prepare for the assessment. The sample questions follow the same style and have been drafted in accordance with the same process as the questions used in the assessment.
The 170 sample questions do not represent all the material that is covered by the FLK and are not designed to be a replica of the SQE1 assessment itself, or to be a mock assessment. Sitting the actual SQE1 under timed and closed book assessment conditions cannot be replicated by working through the 170 sample questions.
As part of their preparation, candidates may want to consider the amount of time they have to complete SQE1 questions. As a reminder, each FLK consists of 180 questions. Each FLK is split into two sessions and the standard time allocated for each session is 2 hours 33 minutes with 90 questions in each session. Therefore, on average, candidates have approximately 1.7 minutes per question. Some questions will take more/less time to answer than others.
Learn more: The assessment day
The cut off date for the law and practice upon which candidates are examined in the SQE will be four calendar months prior to the date of the first assessment in an assessment window.
We keep the law and practice relevant to the sample questions under review and are aware that the law and practice can change within the four month period referred to above. The sample questions will always reflect the law and practice that is examinable in the upcoming SQE1 assessment. If there is a change in the law or practice within the four month period before an assessment, the sample questions will be amended to reflect the change after that assessment.
Learn more: SQE1 assessment specification
The pass mark for each sitting of the SQE1 assessment will be set by the Assessment Board. The pass mark is set for each sitting of the SQE1 assessment, taking into account the difficulty of the questions in the sitting. This ensures that the standard of the assessment remains consistent from one sitting to the next.
Learn more: Marking and standard setting policy
To see the pass marks for SQE1 assessments that have taken place please see the SQE1 statistical reports.
SQE1 involves two assessments. There are 360 questions in total - 180 in each assessment. They cover the following subject areas:
Ethics and Professional Conduct are examined pervasively across the two assessments above.
PDF version of English FLK1 sample questions (85 questions) (PDF 440KB) PDF version of Welsh FLK1 sample questions (65 questions) (PDF 464KB) PDF version of English FLK2 sample questions (85 questions) (PDF 435KB) PDF version of Welsh FLK2 sample questions (65 questions) (PDF 433KB)
Experience a demonstration of the exam, including sample questions and realistic user interface. This is available in English and Welsh
Learn more: SQE1 exam functionality on Pearson VUE (English)
Learn more: SQE1 exam functionality on Pearson VUE (Welsh)
Create your personal SQE account and book your assessments.
Find out what happens after passing the SQE and admission to the roll of solicitors.