Updated policies

Jul 13, 2022

We have updated the Candidate Confidentiality and Mitigating Circumstances Policies.

Candidate Confidentiality Policy

The Candidate Confidentiality Policy and Fit to Sit Policy operate for all SQE assessments. Candidates will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement and make a fit to sit declaration prior to starting the assessment. Please ensure you have read the Candidate Confidentiality Policy and Fit to Sit Policy prior to attending the test centre.

Mitigating Circumstances Policy

This updated policy applies for assessments in July 2022 onwards. The changes we have made to the policy are as follows:

  • We have clarified in the “Scope and purpose” that candidates who have booked to sit FLK1 and FLK2 in a single assessment window and do not attend both FLK1 and FLK2 are not covered by this policy, and should instead refer to the SQE Assessment Terms and Conditions.

  • In paragraph 2.4, the policy provides that a candidate who considers that their performance is likely to be affected by an illness or other personal circumstances beyond their reasonable control, which arises before the assessment window, is normally expected to withdraw from the assessment and sit it at a later date. We have added wording to make it clear that candidates in this position should refer to the SQE Assessment Terms and Conditions.

  • We have added wording to paragraph 2.7 to make it even clearer that if a candidate experiences a specific difficulty relating to their condition during an assessment (e.g. a flare up), they should submit a Mitigating Circumstances claim.

  • We have also updated some of the language in paragraph 5.5 to bring it more in line with the Assessment Regulations, by referring to “attempt” rather than “assessment” where appropriate.

Learn more: Policies