What is the SQE?
Who is the SQE for?
Costs and fees
Case studies
The assessment day
Results and resits
Dates and locations
Assessment information
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The monitoring and maximising diversity survey has been updated. Please return to the survey to reconfirm your answers and complete the new section at the end.
You must do this to remain eligible for the SQE. You will not be able to book your next assessment until you have updated your answers.
If possible, you should raise your complaint or concern with us at the time of the incident giving rise to the complaint, as we may be able to resolve it immediately.
If this is not possible or is unsuccessful or is not applicable in the circumstances, and you wish to pursue informal resolution you should send an email as soon as possible to enquiries@sqe.sra.org.uk and in any event within five working days of the incident complained of.
If we are not able to resolve your complaint by informal resolution, you should make a formal complaint using the form below.
If you wish to make a formal complaint, you must submit this form within 10 working days of the incident. Full details of the complaint should be included in the form. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days of receiving it.
Please see our Complaints policy before completing this form.
For the purpose of this form, a complaint means an expression of concern or dissatisfaction with Kaplan SQE’s administration or delivery of the SQE and which does not relate to an application for mitigating circumstances or a decision of the Assessment Board or the Appeal Panel. A complaint may be made informally or formally.
File must be: PDF, JPG, PNG, or BMP. Maximum file size is 2MB.
This must include all relevant details relating to the complaint.
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I agree to this information being made available to the Head of Equality and Quality, their nominee (the Investigating Officer) and any such others as are necessary for the proper consideration of my claim.
I confirm that the facts set out in this form are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Please see our Privacy Notice for further details on how we handle your personal data.
Create your personal SQE account and book your assessments.
Find out what happens after passing the SQE and admission to the roll of solicitors.