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A woman decides to make a will at home. She handwrites the provisions she wishes to include on a piece of paper. She signs the will at the bottom and then asks two neighbours to come to her house to act as witnesses.
Whilst the witnesses are both present in the living room, the woman points to her signature at the bottom of the will and says: “I have already signed it.” The older witness and the woman then go into the kitchen to make a drink. Whilst they are in the kitchen, the younger witness signs the will beneath the woman’s signature. The older witness and the woman then return to the living room and, whilst all three are together, the older witness adds her signature to the will beneath the younger witness’s signature.
The will does not contain a date or an attestation clause.
Why is the woman’s will invalid?
A. Because the will has no date.
B. Because the witnesses did not see the woman sign the will.
C. Because the woman was not present when the younger witness signed the will.
D. Because the witnesses did not see each other sign the will.
E. Because the will has no attestation clause.
C - Because the woman was not present when the younger witness signed the will.
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