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The UK government has introduced a Parliamentary Bill (‘the Bill’) to repeal a UK statute. The government is able to command a majority in the House of Commons, but the Bill is opposed in the House of Lords. The Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 are invoked in order to pass the Bill into law.
What further steps are required for the Bill to become law?
A. The Bill will require approval in the House of Commons, and to receive Royal Assent.
B. The Bill will require approval in the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and to receive Royal Assent.
C. The Bill will require approval in the House of Commons and in a UK referendum.
D. The Bill will require approval in the House of Commons, the House of Lords and in a UK referendum, and to receive Royal Assent.
E. The Bill will require approval in the House of Commons, the House of Lords and in a UK referendum.
A - The Bill will require approval in the House of Commons, and to receive Royal Assent.
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