Guidance published on spelling and grammar for SQE2 and cut off date for SQE1 and SQE2

Jul 3, 2023

Guidance on the approach to spelling and grammar for SQE2

We have published guidance in the SQE2 assessment specification, in the section headed “Clear, precise, concise and acceptable language”, setting out how markers will approach spelling and grammar for SQE2 written assessments and the attendance note/legal analysis part of the interview assessments. There is no spell check or highlighting function for the SQE2 written assessments.

The guidance given to markers is set out below, and will apply to all assessments from July 2023, including the July 2023 SQE2.

  1. Candidates should not lose marks for spelling mistakes that:
    • do not impact on the legal accuracy, clarity and/or certainty of the written text; and
    • would normally be flagged by spell check functionality, noting that spell check would not, for example, necessarily flag errors in names, addresses, dates or values.
  2. Candidates should not lose marks for grammatical errors that:
    • do not impact on the legal accuracy, clarity and/or certainty of the written text, noting that, for example, grammatical errors in the use of tense could have such an impact; and
    • do not make the written text inaccessible to the intended reader.
  3. Candidates should not lose marks for poor formatting, given the lack of formatting support on the test platform and the time restraints under which candidates are working.

Law cut off date for SQE1 and SQE2

The cut off date for the law upon which candidates are examined in the SQE is four calendar months prior to the date of the first assessment in an assessment window. Candidates will be tested on the law as it stands at that date. They will not be tested on the development of the law. For the avoidance of doubt, we have added further wording to clarify that changes in the law which are implemented on the calendar date four calendar months prior to the first SQE assessment in an assessment window may be examined. This has been added to the SQE1 and SQE2 Assessment Specifications.

Learn more: SQE2 Assessment Specification