Update to SQE assessment terms and conditions

Mar 22, 2023

We have updated the SQE assessment terms and conditions. These take effect from 22 March 2023 and apply to candidates who make a new booking. They will therefore apply to any candidates that book to sit the July 2023 SQE1. They will also apply to any candidates that book to sit the April 2023 SQE1 from 22 March.

The amendments have been made in light of our further experience in dealing with candidates during the most recent assessments. The changes do not alter the SQE assessment and are intended to provide further clarification for candidates and also include the addition of some new provisions. The changes are primarily in the areas of cancellation rights and charges and mitigating circumstances.

We would encourage all candidates to read the terms and conditions before they book an assessment.

Refunds and cancellation fees

We want to encourage candidates to cancel a booking earlier in the process when they know that they will not sit the assessment, rather than waiting until the end of the booking window before they cancel. The practice of cancelling at the very end of a booking window can prevent other candidates from booking and/or securing the most convenient location as cancelled seats are not available in time for other candidates to book. The updates will bring forward the time by which candidates can cancel and only incur a fixed cancellation fee. To counterbalance this, we’re extending the period before the cancellation fee increases to 75% of the assessment fee to be closer to the first day of the assessment window.

The key changes to this area are summarised below.


  • An update to paragraph 9.4(a) provides that in the event of cancellation prior to two weeks prior to the booking deadline, a cancellation charge of £30 applies in respect of each assessment which is cancelled.
  • An update to paragraph 9.4(b) provides that in the event of cancellation after two weeks prior to the booking window closing and four weeks from the first day of the assessment window, a cancellation charge of 25% of the assessment fee applies (i.e. a refund of 75% of the assessment fee applies).
  • An update to paragraph 9.4(c) provides that in the event of cancellation after 4 weeks from the first day of the assessment window (i.e. less than 4 weeks before an assessment window) and more than 96 hours prior to the scheduled assessment start time (i.e. there are still over 96 hours before the first day of the assessment) a cancellation charge of 75% of the assessment fee applies (i.e. a refund of 25% of the assessment fee applies).
  • Finally, an update to paragraph 9.4(d) provides that on the event of cancellation 96 hours or less from the scheduled assessment start time or non-attendance, a cancellation charge of 100% of the assessment fee applies (i.e. no refund).


  • An update to paragraph 9.5(a) provides that in the event of cancellation two weeks prior to the booking deadline, a cancellation charge of £250 applies in respect of each assessment which is cancelled.
  • An update to paragraph 9.5(b) provides that in the event of cancellation after two weeks prior to the booking window closing and four weeks from the first day of the assessment window, a cancellation charge of 25% of the assessment fee applies (i.e. a refund of 75% of the assessment fee applies).
  • An update to paragraph 9.5(c) provides that in the event of cancellation after four weeks from the first day of the assessment window and more than two weeks prior to the first day of the assessment window, a cancellation charge of 75% of the assessment fee applies (ie refund of 25% of the assessment fee applies).

Exceptional circumstances leading to cancellation

Paragraph 9.6 has been inserted to give direction to candidates on their ability to apply for a reduction in cancellation fees in exceptional circumstances only where they have incurred cancellation fees of 75% or more. Their application must be made within 28 days from the first days of the relevant assessment window and must include submission of independent written supporting evidence, which proves that:

  • the reason for the cancellation or non-attendance did not relate to pre-existing circumstances that could have been foreseen.
  • the event that resulted in the cancellation or non-attendance did occur at the date and time stated, that it was outside of the control of the candidate, and that as a result of the event, the candidate was unable to sit the assessment.
  • the candidate could not have taken alternative action to mitigate their losses.

Mitigating circumstances

Paragraph 13.2 has been updated to add clarification that candidates cannot make a claim for mitigating circumstances if they they fail to attend:

  • both FLK1 and FLK2, having been scheduled to attempt both SQE1 assessments;
  • either FLK1 or FLK2, having been scheduled to attempt just one of the SQE1 assessments; or
  • the entire SQE2 assessment (i.e. they are absent from all 16 assessment stations).

Paragraph 13.5 relates to refunds that can be obtained where the attempt which was subject to the claim for mitigating circumstances is discounted (i.e. the claim for mitigating circumstances has been successful). A refund for all or part of the assessment fee may be made as follows:

  • in the event of a claim accepted on the grounds of a mistake or irregularity in the administration or conduct of the assessment or on the grounds of bias in the conduct of the assessment, a full refund may be made.
  • in the event of a claim accepted on the grounds of a candidate’s illness or other personal circumstances beyond their reasonable control, a partial refund of 75% of the assessment fees will be made.

Website updates

We have also updated the costs and fees information on the website with the new cancellation charges. Please also see our Policies page that also provides links to the key policy documents relating to the SQE. It includes links to other helpful documents including the Assessment Regulations.

Learn more: Cost and fees and Policies